Radon Test
Radon gas is an odorless, tasteless, invisible, radioactive gas released into the ground as a by-product of uranium decay. It has been determined to be the second leading cause, after smoking, of lung cancer. Radon testing can be performed using our Continuous Read machine or with Charcoal Absorption Canisters. The results of test with the Continuous Read machine can be known in 48 hours after the test is started. The canisters are placed in a house for 2-6 days, after which they are sent to an independent laboratory for analysis. The results are typically available within 7 to 10 days of the completion of the test.
FHA Water Test
Home buyers obtaining an FHA loan to purchase a house whose water is supplied by a well are required to have this test. It detects the presence of total coliform bacteria, nitrates/nitrites, and lead. The results are typically available within 7 to 10 days.
Wood Destroying Pest Report (WDIR)
South Charlotte Inspection Services, Inc. is a Certified Applicator with Termitech Pro, Inc. and is qualified to conduct termite inspections. The inspection can be performed alone or at the same time as any other home inspection. It consists of an inside and an outside examination of the house to determine the presence of wood destroying insects, including termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and insects commonly referred as "powder post" beetles. The results are available immediately following the inspection.